Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

How to Develop Teaching Learning Process in Junior High School

The Practice of Teaching Learning of Mathematics
Title: How to Develop Teaching Learning Process in Junior High School

 I.            Lesson Plan
Lesson plan is a direction and purpose (grounding) teachers to teach in accordance with the law (PP No. 19 of 2005 on the SNP, Permendiknas No. 41 of 2007 on the Standard Process). In Indonesia lesson plan is called RPP. Lesson plan includes the syllabus and learning implementation plan that includes at least the purpose of learning, teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes. Lesson plan is an important part in the implementation of education in schools. Through a good lesson plan, teachers will be easier to implement and student learning would be more helpful and easy to learn. Lesson plan developed in accordance with needs and characteristics of students, schools, and subjects. Lesson plan in Junior High School is arranged by subject. Need for lesson plan is intended to achieve improved learning undertaken with the following assumptions:
a.       To improve the quality of learning should begin with a lesson plan that is manifested by the presence of instructional design,
b.      To design a learning need to use a systems approach (conventional or computerized),
c.       Lesson plan refers to how students learn to be independent,
d.      The lesson plan should be based on objective and directed by the ease of learning
e.       Lesson plan which involves learning the variable conditions, variables methods and learning outcomes.
The steps to make a lesson plane:
a.       Make lesson plans identity
b.      Understanding basic standards of competency and competency
c.       Determine indicators
d.      Make a plan to implementation it, choose materials
e.       Determine learning goals
f.       Determine learning materials
g.      Determine learning method
h.      Arrange the steps to develop students' activity
i.        Determine the reference and source
j.        Determine the evaluation system (assessment)
There are any obstacles to implementation lessons and weakness plane, but lesson plan has many benefits.
a.       The obstacles to implement lesson plane are:
need extra time.
b.      Need more teachers’ skill.
c.       Almost any teacher feel troublesome to make it
Whereas the advantages of Lesson Plane are:
a.       Make a systematically learning
b.      Becomes more regular learning, etc

II.            Small Group Discussion
Small group discussion is one of students group that have the purpose to give a chance for students to exchange their ideas, share opinion, or other interaction between them then discuss the problem then solve it together. The steps to develop small group discussion are:
a.       Teacher should provide a problem or students’ work sheet and give a direction to discuss it.
b.      Distribute the problems.
c.       Give a chance for students to solve the problem in their group.
d.      Teacher guide students work and help them if they have any problem.
Many kinds of small group discussion that useable in Junior High School, mentioned below, there are three example of small group discussion:
a.       Debate Method
Learning Materials is choose and elect to be pros and cons package. Student divide to several group, each group consist of 4 students. In a group, two students in pros side and the other in cons side. They will debate about one topic that given by their teacher.
b.      Group Investigation
Teacher divided students in a class to small group that consist of 5 until 6 students in a group. Each group is given subtopics from different are of common problems. But first, teacher gave overview about the subtopic. Then students in group have to analyze and synthesize the subtopic.
c.       Method Jigsaw
Teacher divided general information to smaller components. Then student made small group consist of 4 until 5 students. Each member of group have to responsible for each subtopics, then each student who has a subtopic make a new group that has a same subtopic with him. After that, he/she back to their first group and explain to the other member about his subtopic.
III.            Various Method of Teaching
Teaching method is a teachers’ way to develop their learning become a meaningful learning and to explain material learning so students can understand what teacher mean. Teaching method is important in the learning process because it affect of successful learning. Teachers in Junior High School should use various methods so students are not bored. As we know that students in Junior High School have different characteristic, so teacher should use various methods to explore it. Many kinds of teaching method that useable in Junior High School, mentioned below there are 4 example of teaching method:
a.       Guided inquiry Approach Method
Guided inquiry Approach Method is inquiry approach that teacher guide the student to do activity with give first question and direct to discussion.
b.      Recitation method
Learning recitation method is a method of teaching requires students to create a resume with your own sentence.
c.       Methods Study Tour (tour of Work)
Methods Study tours is a method of teaching by encouraging students to visit an object of knowledge and further expand the students create reports and discuss and record the results of those visits, assisted by educators.
d.      Methods of Teaching Team
Teams learning method is a method in which educators teach more than one person, each of which has one of task. Usually educator appointed as coordinator. The way the test, every educator create questions, and then merged. If an oral examination that tested each student should immediately be faced with a team of educators.
Nothing the best method for teaching, but I select guided inquiry approach method to teach of mathematics in Junior High School, because in Junior High School that degree of development student still at transfer phase and student not experience learned with guided inquiry approach method and student still in learn degree scientific process, such that guided inquiry approach method suited for applicable in Junior High School.

IV.            Various Interaction
Teaching and learning process is a process of interaction between two human elements as the party which students learn and teachers teach. Interaction is a communication between someone with others. In managing the interaction of teaching and learning in Junior High School, teachers must have the ability to design courses, mastering the subject matter, capable of creating conditions conducive class, skilled use of media and select the source, understand the ways or methods used have the skills to communicate the program and understand the foundations of education as a basic act.
In the process of interaction is a required supporting component (characteristic of educative interactions) that is the goal, procedure, special construction materials, student activities, teacher as guide, discipline, time limit, elements of the assessment.
In order for an interaction of good teaching and learning, there are several factors that must be met, that is the basis of teaching and learning interactions ¬ base consisting of:
a.       Interactions are instructive.
b.      In the interaction of behavioral changes in students as a result of learning and teaching.
c.       Proper role and position in the process of teaching and learning interactions.
d.      Interaction as a learning process.
e.       Means of teaching and learning activities are available, which help to achieve the interaction of teaching and learning effectively and efficiently.
According to the role of teacher in teaching and learning interactions, among others:
a.       As a facilitator, which provides a situation ¬ situation required an individual to learn.
b.      As a supervisor, is to give students guidance in learning interactions, so that students can learn well and work effectively and efficiently.
c.       As a motivator, this gives encouragement to students willing and keen to learn.
d.      As an organizer, this is organizing the learning activities of students and teachers.
Teaching and learning interactions are characterized by the presence of student activity, because in principle to learn is to do. Do to change behavior, so do the activities. There is no learning if there is no activity. That is why the activity is the principle or principles are very important in the interaction of teaching and learning.
In the class, there are three parts of various interactions that are whole class interaction, small group interaction, and individual interaction. Whole class interaction is an interaction between someone, for example teacher with all students in the class. Teacher explain the material in front of class which is intended to all students other example is teacher give a chance for students to share their idea in front of class. Students’ reflection is included in whole class interaction.
From the whole class, teacher can divide class into small group then distribute some problems and let students to discuss and solve it. In small group discussion, there is an interaction between students with others. They can share their idea and express their opinion then discuss together to solve the problem that have been distributed by teacher. In the small group discussion, teacher offer something that is needed by students and identify difficulty one so an interaction between students in group and teacher is occurred. In individual interaction, the interaction can be a communication between teacher with a student when ask question or interaction between a student with one student. The advantages when teacher use various interactions in the learning are:
a.       make a learning become an interesting learning
b.      increase students’ spirit in the class
c.       help students to appreciate others’ opinion

V.            Various teaching aids/media
Media is goods or other that can be use to support teaching learning process in Junior High School. Media help students easier to understand learning. Teacher must use various media, so students in Junior High School not bored because media make students interest the learning. Teaching aids are supporting goods in the learning so the learning becomes easy understand.
Steps to expand various media are:
a.       Understanding Standard competency and basic competency
b.      Prepare all thing that needed in learning process
c.       Explain how to use it.
The kind of Various Teaching Media:
a.       Electronic Media
Electronic media is media that uses electronic or energy.
b.      With Tools
Procure learning to use tools, will facilitate students in understanding a case.
c.       Print Media
For example is book. The student can learn the material with reading the book.

VI.            Cognitive Scheme
Cognitive scheme is students’ thinking ability concept. Cognitive scheme encourage teacher to construct students’ knowledge and skill so students get new understanding by themselves. It will become a meaningful learning so students can easy to remember it, to construct it and to apply it in the learning to solve problem learning. Cognitive scheme can said as a way to construct students’ knowledge structure. It can start with basic knowledge then students know more difficult material, teacher give stimulated so increase students’ level understanding. The purpose of developing cognitive scheme is students have good understanding structure so they can receive knowledge easily. The steps to developing cognitive scheme are:
a.       Teacher prepares teaching content.
b.      Teacher explains material from easy to hard.
c.       Teach material in simple form.
d.      Choose a correct method so student can understand what teacher mean.
e.       Teacher says the advantage of the material that is being learned.
Cognitive scheme consist of motivation, attitude, knowledge, skill, and experience.

VII.            Student’s Worksheet
Student's worksheet is a media to facilitate students in Junior High School to improve their understanding or find some formulas, so we can conclude that student's worksheet use to support the learning process in class. Student's worksheet, consist of problem which make student try to solve it and get a solution then make a conclusion about that. Student's work sheet can apply in group or individual.
Know, student worksheet that teachers made is collection of questions. It is wrong, because student worksheet is the media and preparation that student use it to find the formulas. In others word student worksheet can use to construct mathematics concept. The function of student's worksheet:
a.    Improve students’ competency by themselves
b.   Help students construct their mind by self so the knowledge can last longer on their mind
c.    Can be a problem, example, exercise, or other material that can improve students’ thinking ability.
d.   Students will more easily to understand the material that being taught
A good student's work sheet is, consist of hints or clues which can make students apply their knowledge and find a conclusion in the end. Teachers have to develop student's work sheet according the student's ability. Teachers can guide students to identify and solve the student's work sheet.
How to develop student's work sheet?
a.       Teachers must understanding student's competency
b.      Difficulty level of student's work sheet is appropriated with student's ability, basic competency, and the material that being studied
c.       Teachers prepare to make a student's work sheet.
d.      Teachers distribute it to all students (in the group or individual).
e.       Give a chance for student to solve the problem.
f.       Discuss together in the class.
As a media to develop students’ knowledge, students’ work sheet has some obstacles:
a.       Teacher needs extra time to develop it.
b.      Need teachers’ skill to make it.
c.       Require other facilities to develop students’ work sheet.
The last is the advantages of students’ work sheet, there are:
a.       Can be a media to construct students’ mind.
b.      Train students to be an active student.
c.       Students have been accustomed to solve problem, etc.

VIII.            Student’s Presentation
Student presentations are very useful in the learning process in Junior High School, because with the presentation of the student can develop a sense of responsibility on himself and responsibilities toward others. For example, after discussion in group, students tell their discussion result and reflection it together. Then students presentation it, share and present the knowledge that they have gained from discussion. From reflection and presentation students can perform in the best and trained to explain their knowledge with their friends and their friends get new knowledge from them. One of the advantages of students’ reflection and presentation is train students to more confident.

IX.            Student’s Conclusion
Student's conclusion is a part of student's activities in learning process. Students make a conclusion from their experience. Students resume the knowledge that have been got then colligate it in a new knowledge. Teacher help student to find the conclusion, so teacher as a facilitator try to provide anything that can help student to find conclusion.
The steps to build up student's conclusion:
a.             Divide whole class into small groups.
b.            Distribute problem to each group.
c.             Give a chance to discuss the problem.
d.            Students present their discussion result.
e.             Students create a conclusion with teacher guidance.
f.             Students justify the conclusion so it will be a true conclusion and become new knowledge.
The obstacle when develop students’ conclusion are:
a.             Need teacher creativity to make various problems.
b.            Need teacher skill to develop it.
c.             Need extra time to apply it.
d.            Students have different potency so difficult to make problems with same difficulty.

X.            Classroom Based Assessment
Assessment is used to determine what a student know or can do. Assessment can called as a process of documenting knowledge, skills, attitude, and beliefs of students. Assessment emphasize on the process, not on final exam. Because it is not fair if student has bad value on the report card because he or she can’t do the exam well because of sick, but in the class he or she is an active student and a smart student. Different with evaluation that is assess students from the final exam. Assessment is a record process of lesson from the lesson begins until it ends. Steps to develop assessment are:
a.       Prepare and make a plan.
b.      Use various methods so students expand their potency.
c.       Record all students’ activity from the lesson begin until end.
d.      Evaluate all students’ activity.

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