Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

#3 Reflection of Mr. Marsigit's Blog

Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math. Education 2011

Many types of languages ​​that exist in this world. Language is not only used as a medium of communication but also as a medium of interaction between individuals. In other words, the language used to build a life. Language is very important in the process of learning mathematics. Language has its own cultural context in which according to the origin of the individual. A teacher is required to have and use good language when presenting material to students, so that students can understand the material presented and to understand any existing vocabulary in mathematics. In learning mathematics, the language of instruction should be used is the native language, such as the Indonesia using the Indonesian language. This will make the learning is more effective than using the language of instruction from other countries. In addition, the advantages while using the original language of instruction is that students will be better able to understand each vocabulary in mathematics.

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