Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

#2 Reflection of Mr. Marsigit's Blog

Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math. Education

Very good article and very inspiring me because someday I want to be a professional math teacher. Traditional methods of teaching mathematics or transfer of learning methods can not be used in modern times, it is the duty of teachers to find innovative methods of learning where there is interaction between the objective and subjective, where students can optimize their potential. Know, Indonesia has UAN oriented paradigm, whereby when UAN good value then of course the learning process is already underway with nice too. And if you look at reality, this assumption is wrong. UAN oriented paradigm should be converted into product oriented process. The error also occurs in the use of worksheets where worksheets regarded as a strategic tool that is just a collection of matter. LKS should be used for students to discover science and discover the formula. Teachers should develop its own worksheet, because only he knows the needs of his own while teaching.

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