Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math Education 2011
Why do you think people's basic math skills are weak?
can influence habits in the classroom or outside the classroom. Usually students can only solve the problems that had been taught in the classroom. If the problem is to change the location and form, most students cannot see the pattern or the facts of the matter. This is because students learn by rote and not logic. Teachers should be able to reveal how much ability students in math, do not have to wait for their students, claiming that mathematics is beautiful and mathematics is theirs.
Students should be taught how the basic concepts of mathematics, until he understands, using logic. By the time students are studying multiplication, teachers must not only tell for example 6x7 = 42, this is really ridiculous. Teachers should make students understand the concept of multiplication, where 6x7 can be equal to 42. In addition, teachers must also apply the learning system that focused on the process not the end result. Then, in the learning process should not be based on competition, as it will give a bad impact for the losing side. Besides the competition will also kill the curiosity of students, but learning should be based on curiosity and not in a war zone.
Teachers must be able to facilitate and develop a scheme to enable students to be creative. As Immanuel Kant said that the practice without theory is blind and theory without practice is empty. Then students must learn concepts, and practice by solving problems, and solve problems based on the concepts being taught.
with the statement of Mr. Marsigit that assessment is the most crucial issues in education, for the assessment of means to collect and record the achievements and activities of students. The big problem happening in the world of education, when an evaluation or assessment done externally or by an institution. In fact teachers should be evaluated, because the teacher is a person who understands students and know what is best for the students.
Update: Koalisi Pendidikan Menolak Kurikulum 2013
Tolak Perubahan Kurikulum Pendidikan
I agree with the resistance to change
educational curriculum. Necessarily, curriculum of KTSP 2006 does not directly
converted into the curriculum of 2013, which is a very different view from all
aspects and also without any research where the curriculum of 2013 may not be
able to guarantee the advancement of education in Indonesia. I agree that to
advancing education in Indonesia, the government should focus more on improving
the quality of teachers, when in fact at this time there are many teachers who
have below-average quality. If the quality of teachers has improve, of course
will also affect the quality of the learners.
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