Jumat, 05 April 2013

#8 Reflection of Mr. Marsigit's Blog (Dialog International 1-7)

Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math. Education 2011

Dialog Internasional 1 Pendidikan Matematika
In some instances, we see mathematics taught by rote and mechanical repetition, not understanding the mechanics and logic. This has an impact on students' ability to do the problems, where students can only work on the problems that he learned about it. Supposedly, taught mathematics with understanding and emphasis on process, not the final result. Teachers should be able to develop and produce mathematics concepts own students, not control student as he wants. It is difficult for students to learn when they are in a war zone or zones education uncomfortable. Teachers should always try to develop a method which can facilitate or develop schemes to enable the students to be creative. As we know that other students have the uniqueness of each. So the uniqueness of students, more important than the final result. I agree with the statement of Mr. Marsigit that it should to introduce basic mathematics is to use concrete objects around them. This will make students interested in mathematics. Each time the students were very interested in what they do, it will grow curiosity, there is an understanding to expand the conceptual context and logic systems that regulate the activity. This can help students build mathematics.

Dialog Internasional 2 Pendidikan Matematika
I agree that teachers can help students learn math by giving them the opportunity to discover and investigate patterns, describe and record their findings relationship, encourage exploration and experimentation by trying things different ways as much as possible, urgent the students to look for consistency or inconsistency, the similarities or differences, how organize, how to combine or separate, help students generalize their findings, and help them to understand and see the relationship between mathematical ideas. Language and graphic communication is an important aspect of learning mathematics. According to Katagiri (2004) there are three aspects of Mathematical Thinking: Attitude mathematics, Methods of mathematics, and mathematics content. These three things are very important to serve targeted teachers in developing student’s mathematics skills. Teachers should be able to make changes, for example in making creative learning methods and to cover the student’s abilities.

Dialog Internasional 3 Pendidikan Matematika
Students will be able to do the competency of teachers if the teacher provides the opportunity for students and facilitate students. Idealization and abstraction is an aspect that is very useful and important in learning mathematics. Unfortunately, many teachers are not understood with this aspect of mathematics learning. One of the biggest problems in mathematics teaching is student’s work that is too formal mathematics, while students are still in the stage of concrete mathematics. Teachers should be able to develop instructional materials and sources with a view from the perspective of students, because most students want everything to be prepared for example by the use of technology. I agree with the statement of Mr. Marsigit that loves mathematics is something that comes from within the students, so that teachers cannot force the students to love mathematics.

Dialog Internasional 4 Pendidikan Matematika
I am interested in the explanation of Mr. Marsigit. Teachers should be able to improve her professionalism. Teaching requires a perfect teaching skills and dedication. In mathematics learning, students must be an actor. The success of the teacher in teaching must be supported by a strong foundation of mathematical properties. Technology is a tool to support the learning of mathematics.

Dialog Internasional 5 Pendidikan Matematika
Teaching mathematics for young generation, especially for students who are attending school are not as simple as we think. We must have a clear understanding of the nature of any aspect related to learning activities. Teaching and learning activities should have the right foundation in psychological, social, or anthropological. The most basic of basic mathematics education is how students construct their own math. What we need as a teacher or adult is to develop a scheme that can facilitate them. Every aspect of life dimensions, the mathematics is also dimensions. People who learn mathematics also dimensions. Dimension mathematics for adults is Math Formal / Math Axiomatic, and dimensions mathematics for young children is Mathematics School. Therefore, adult or teacher should be able to put appropriate teaching methods to the learning level.

Dialog Internasional 6 Pendidikan Matematika
I agree that in the learning process, students as actors. Teachers guide students and facilitate student and make students become active and can express a variety of ideas. In lessons, teachers can use IT as a medium of learning and as a medium of communication with students. In mathematics teaching authority in making or designing teaching learning methods are math teachers without interference from pure mathematicians. There are stages in the learning of mathematics, where mathematics of children different with mathematics of adults, and teachers must understand it.

Dialog Internasional 7 Pendidikan Matematika
The authorized should organize curriculum teaching mathematics is mathematics teacher or someone who comes from mathematics education, not a pure mathematician. Pure mathematicians tend to impressed makes the learning process or learning curriculum as a business. Processes or stages of learning mathematics should be in accordance with the level of education of students, ranging from elementary to high school or from formal mathematics to mathematics concrete, whereas mathematics to university level more complex. This, is so that students do not lose the character of mathematics appropriate level of education.

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