Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Kontes Blog: Aku Berbatik


Inovasi Baju Batik Aksara Jawa (Bara) untuk Meningkatkan Eksistensi Kebudayaan Jawa
Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki beranekaragam kebudayaan. Salah satunya adalah batik. Batik merupakan warisan budaya Indonesia yang sampai saat ini eksistensinya terus meningkat. Batik sudah menjadi gaya hidup baik dalam bentuk tradisional ataupun bentuk modern. Dengan kata lain batik sudah menjadi bagian dari putaran hidup di dunia global. Batik sudah diakui oleh UNESCO sebagai warisan kemanusiaan untuk Budaya Lisan dan Nonbendawi dari Indonesia sejak 2 Oktober 2009 (Felicitas: 2009). Pengakuan UNESCO ini diberikan terutama karena motif batik yang beragam dan penuh makna filosofi mendalam. Para pengrajin batik di Indonesia tentunya selalu berupaya untuk menghasilkan berbagai motif dan model batik agar eksistensi batik dapat selalu ditingkatkan.
Berbeda dengan eksistensi dan penggunaan batik yang terus meningkat, eksistensi aksara jawa semakin tergerus di era globalisasi ini. Saat ini, generasi muda Indonesia cenderung tidak mau melestarikan bahkan mempelajari aksara Jawa, dikarenakan mereka menganggap bahwa aksara Jawa sulit serta terkesan “kolot” dan “kuno”. Tergerusnya penggunaan aksara Jawa ini, salah satunya karena materi bahasa Jawa atau pendidikan bahasa Jawa yang diterapkan di sekolah-sekolah masih rendah dalam menarik motivasi siswa untuk mempelajarinya. Sejak 2 Oktober 2009, dunia telah mengakui Aksara Jawa (hanacaraka) sehingga kini aksara Jawa dapat dipakai untuk komputer seperti aksara Latin, China, Arab, Jepang, dan sebagainya. Aksara Jawa sudah diakui UNIODE yaitu lembaga dalam naungan UNESCO yang menangani standar kode aksara pada computer di dunia (Jodhi: 2009). Oleh karena itu, penggunaan bahasa Jawa harus terus ditingkatkan sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia yang begitu khas dan jangan sampai aksara Jawa tersebut hilang seiring berjalannya waktu.
Penulis memiliki gagasan untuk mencampurkan budaya batik dengan budaya aksara Jawa, yaitu dengan membuatnya menjadi baju batik aksara Jawa (Bara). Cara pembuatannya sama dengan pembuatan baju batik biasanya, hanya motifnya saja yang berupa aksara Jawa. Aksara jawa yang terdapat pada baju batik tersebut dapat berupa pepatah Jawa seperti paribasan, bebasan dan saloka serta sekar atau lagu Jawa. Pembuatan Bara ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan inovasi baju batik yang bersifat edukasi dan untuk menyejajarkan eksistensi kebudayaan Jawa yaitu batik dan aksara Jawa, sehingga kelak penggunaan aksara Jawa dan batik terus meningkat.  Dalam mengenalkan atau memasarkan batik aksara Jawa (Bara) ini tentunya dapat lebih mudah dilakukan karena batik sudah mendunia, yaitu melalui butik batik, toko batik ataupun batik online.Keunggulan dari batik aksara Jawa ini adalah motifnya yang inovatif dan khas sehingga secara tidak langsung dapat memperlihatkan dua kekayaan budaya Indonesia berupa batik dan aksara Jawa.

Daftar Pustaka
Hermandini, Felicitas. 2012. “Ketika Batik Merasuk di Industri Mode Amerika.” (http://female.kompas.com/read/2012/10/14/01563627/Ketika.Batik.Merasuk.di.Industri.Mode.Amerika), diakses tanggal 28 Februari 2013.
Yudono, Jodhi. 2009. “Dunia Juga Mengakui Aksara Jawa.”  (http://oase.kompas.com/read/2009/11/02/12362019/Dunia.Juga.Mengakui.Aksara.Jawa), diakses tanggal 28 Februari 2013.

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

#2 Reflection of Mr. Marsigit's Explanation on the 20th of February 2013

Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math. Education 2011

Ethnomathematics is mathematics that contextual (basic concepts), which in its ethnic context so that we can learn the basic principles or a general principle of others ethnic. Ethnomathematics learning objectives is to ensure that teachers can use mathematics contextually for innovative learning, but this is only true for innovative teachers just because of activities takes variation and variation included into ethnomathematics. For example is street mathematics in Brazil. Theresia Nun have investigated street mathematics by looking, researching, and proving using case studies. He was carrying out investigations on the Road St. Paulo, where there are traders who use math in their own way that is faster and correct, and is not commonly used in schools. This research can also be done in Indonesia, for example in Malioboro (Malioboro mathematics).
Ethnomathematics research more emphasis on qualitative research but also quantitative research is needed. For example is long-term studies or longitudinal, such as research on a person by looking at things that related to mathematics (intentionally or unintentionally). Another example can be seen in the fossils found by anthropologists in Sangiran, the fossil was found to be intact, but the fossil can produce a lot of data such as age, activity, gender, and so on.
If we are faced with the question how do teachers implement innovative methods of teaching mathematics without having collided with the education system in Indonesia, then take a look at each one of us, that is actually innovative is ourselves, which is traditional or authoritarian is ourselves, so the actual math is ourselves. "You are what your students recognition and not you say, that defines you is other people", the sentence meaningful for a teacher, where the education system that is not conducive and innovativ, it is a test for teachers or people who have a vision and mission very strong on how to actually liberate education, whether as an investment or as a necessity. Educational investment is only said by the president (Suharto, Gusdur, SBY) or leader or its capital, not students in elementary or junior high or high school.
Indonesian society is experiencing an anomalous situation where leaders do not think of Indonesia for 100 years in the future will be like. Obama's inauguration speech as, "O my people, many of the stars that you have not found and waiting for you to give it a name." This is a sentence motivation for people to be more advanced. Unlike Obama, the President of Indonesia when they go to Mecca, just pray for the group not prays for people in Indonesia. It's very regrettable and it makes officials or leaders in Indonesia cannot be trusted even the teachers are not to be trusted. Awry, it would require a revolution because reform is not enough, needed a buzz from national leaders who understand education, psychology, and the courage to move forward. Facts stated when people from Jakarta provide guidance in these areas, if asked why UAN is done then they said because teachers cannot be trusted. Now the big question arises, to what the teachers on the payroll that in the ends who specifies or evaluate student learning outcomes is the UAN. It's out of sync. One cause is a broken nation Indonesia because Indonesia does not have the vision and mission of 100 years in the future would be like.

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

#2 Reflection of Mr. Marsigit's Blog

Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math. Education

Very good article and very inspiring me because someday I want to be a professional math teacher. Traditional methods of teaching mathematics or transfer of learning methods can not be used in modern times, it is the duty of teachers to find innovative methods of learning where there is interaction between the objective and subjective, where students can optimize their potential. Know, Indonesia has UAN oriented paradigm, whereby when UAN good value then of course the learning process is already underway with nice too. And if you look at reality, this assumption is wrong. UAN oriented paradigm should be converted into product oriented process. The error also occurs in the use of worksheets where worksheets regarded as a strategic tool that is just a collection of matter. LKS should be used for students to discover science and discover the formula. Teachers should develop its own worksheet, because only he knows the needs of his own while teaching.

#1 Reflection of Mr. Marsigit's Blog

Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math. Education

I think this article is very nice and helpful, because I want to be a teacher and I am the person who always tries to change for the better. The people during his life always change over time, consciously or not. When the change occurs, you should set its direction, so that the changes are to be meaningful and positive direction. Changes can be made ​​if you realize to make a change in you, motivating yourself to change, have a reason to change, try, practice, and accustomed to change, and do not forget to reflect on yourself. A teacher can change the way of teaching if he is willing to cooperate with others in making a change, the plan changes systemically and discover the meaning behind all the changes. In the process of learning, a teacher should also innovative teaching and learning, by understanding the purpose of education, how to get there, do research to develop problem-solving and innovation. So, the class is a laboratory for students, and a place to do research, so that change and innovation can not be done without an understanding of a teacher, where the teacher has a role in guiding students.

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

#1 Reflection of Mr.Marsigit's Explanation on the 13th of February 2013

Dianing Meijayanti
Inter. Math. Education 2011

Ethnomathematics can be called also the culture of mathematics, where the culture is present in the daily life. We need to study ethnomathematics so we know the history of mathematics in Indonesia or in the world. Ethnomathematics used to express the relationship between culture and mathematics. Ethno describes “all of the ingredients that make up the cultural identity of a group. Mathematics expresses a broad view of mathematics which includes arithmetic, classifying, ordering, inferring, and modeling. Ethnomathematics refers to the theory of constructivism by Vigotsky.
Teachers and the public in general do not commonly say that mathematics and culture are connected. Most of the teachers and the public in general, oriented to outcomes such as the UN, because they felt that if the final result is good then the learning process has been carried out to the fullest. Ethnomathematics is difficult to apply in Indonesia, while ethnomathematics can be used as a variety of methods or strategies for teaching mathematics. With ethnomathemtics, students can experience multicultural mathematical activities that reflect the knowledge and behaviors of people from diverse cultural environments, they not only may learn to value the mathematics but just as important, may develop a greater respect for those who are different from themselves.
We can help students realize their full mathematical potential by acknowledging the importance of culture to the identity of the child and how culture affects how children think and learn. We must teach children to value diversity in the mathematics classroom and to understand both the influence that culture has on mathematics and how this influence results in different ways in which mathematics is used and communicated. We gain such an understanding through the study of ethnomathematics.
Ethnomathematics encourages us to witness and struggle to understand how mathematics continues to be culturally adapted and used by people around the planet and throughout time. Traditionally in mathematics classrooms, the relevance of culture has been strangely absent from the content and instruction. The result is that many students and teachers unquestioningly believe that no connection exists between mathematics and culture. Failing to consider other possibilities, they believe that mathematics is acultural, a discipline without cultural significance.
Students should be encouraged to construct personal mathematical understandings and be able to explain their work. When cultural characteristics of the children's invention, experience, and application of mathematics are realized and respected, these students more closely resemble the budding mathematicians we desire. Students must know of the mathematical inventions or applications In Indonesia, we can see the richness of the culture of Java, such as when someone dies, do the celebration of 3 days, 7 days, 40 days, and so on, which are not directly using mathematical calculations. The other example is if this day is Sunday Kliwon then the next 100 days will be on the next Monday Kliwon, if this day is Friday Legi then the next 100 days will be on Saturday Legi, if this day is Wednesday Pahing then the next 100 day will be on Sunday Pahing, etc. In addition, we can see Borobudur temple is made in such beauty, where the application of fractal geometry are there. Many of these children simply do not realize that they are mathematically capable and that they do in fact possess a long and rich mathematical heritage. Mathematics is a compilation of progressive discoveries and inventions from cultures around the world during the course of history. Its history and ethnography form a wonderful mosaic of cultural contributions.